Forest crops and plantations

Forest crops and plantations – In a wider sense cover all artificially raised crops from forest trees. These include artificially raised over. Graduated (1986) and Master’s Degree (1999) at the Faculty Forest Cultures in Macedonia for the production of wood mass crops, which with its structure, depending on the wood species and their mutual relations, corresponding to the natural forest of this habitata (Czlvicutura), as well as artificial Crops of specially selected types of trees for rapid production of wood mass (lignzukultura). The rapid production of wood mass is achieved by raising intense forest crops and plantations, which with its plant structure and mutual relations of the trees do not follow the laws of the growth and development of natural forests of that habitat. In the first case, depending on the number of species, cultures can be clean (composed of a kind) and mixed (composed of several types). Intensive forest crops and plantations are raised on soils and habitats with such properties that will provide cost-effective production and therefore, when raising, special care for the choice of species, casting, syllocultural measures, etc. are maintained. Given the great distance of seedlings in cultures, interculture can be planted (decorative shrubs or agricultural crops), which are plantations in a narrower sense. Al. And. Forest fires in the Republic of Macedonia

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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