Fifty-first (Macedonian) Division (wide Dol, Berovo, 19. J – December 1944) – Military Unit of Nova. In her formative composition, the first, twentieth and twenty-first Macedonian but brigade and artillery (Strumica) Brigade of New and POM with a total of 2,476 fighters and officers. Her number later grew on 6,689 fighters and officers. She participated in the operations for the release of Macedonia along Communications Dojran-Valandovo-Strumica-Radovis and Strumica-Novo Selo-Bulgarian border in the composition of the Bregalnica-Strumica Corps. After the liberation of Strumica and Radovish, Bi-La deployed on the Yugoslav border from Gevgelija to the tribuing with Bulgaria, and then the Pedagogical Faculty “Goce Delchev”, Stip disbanded. Lit.: Boro Mitrovski, the combat actions of the units of a new in the Strumica region in the period September-November 1944 and the German documentation regarding them. Strumica and Strumica in New 1943-1945. C. ST. The formation of the fifty (Macedonian) division (17. ⅸ 1944)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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