Evtimov, Alexander

Evtimov, Aleksandar (Bitola, 1874 – Sofia, 1939) – Teacher, publicist, Prespa and Prilep Duke of TMORO. He was a teacher in the village. Buff, Lerinsky, (1895-1896) and Head of the Lerin Revolutionary District of TMORO, a teacher in Bitola (1899-1900) and a member of the Meat Committee and the District Revolutionary Committee of TMORO (1900). He crossed in the Illegalism. Continuing former united internal revolutionary organization. BIB .: Prespa Vojvoda Pedlor Hristov-German = Etho, “Illustration Ilinden”, but 6, Sophage, 1927/1928, 15-16; Organizing and preparation of VMC. In Bitolija Vilayet, “Macedonian News”, but 25 and 26, Sophage, 1935, 3-5. Lit.: Memories and biographies of Ilindens, Bitola, 1993. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЕВТИМОВ, Александар

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