Escape from the camps and prisons in Albania of political prisoners from Macedonia (1943) – after the capitulation of Italy, the liberated political prisoners were accepted by the Albanian National Liberation Movement. Some of them left for Albanian partisan units and on the territory of Albania, Boro Vukmirovic, was formed on the territory of Albania, which was immediately left in Macedonia and joined the fight as one of the battalions of the first ICNOB, and the other part of the political prisoners in western Macedonia was activated in the work of the background bodies of Macedonia. Litt: chained in Prongs. Memories of political prisoners, internist and deporters – members of the National Liberation Movement of Macedonia (1941-1944), Skopje, 1982. M. MIH.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕГСТВО ОД ЛОГОРИТЕ И ЗАТВОРИТЕ ВО АЛБАНИЈА на политичките затвореници од Македонија