
Approaches (homopticar) – Insects with two pairs of equally built membranous wings, after which they received the name. The oral apparatus of the equaccalians has an election that they perceived in plants and whose assistance sucked Ras-equacamacious pietketic juices. It is characteristic that in their body, in special organs, minor fungives live in their metabolism. In most types of legs are adapted for walking, and in some hind legs and jumping. In the order of equalians represented over 30,000 species, subordinated in two groups, cypreads – Zheže-baked (suckood) and vegetable lice (APHHHHILIN). In Macedonia there are 332 taxa equalists, of which 2 are endemic (EDNjardanska Mirjanea Jankovac and the Jacultonica, Scheadl). Lit.: Liebomir Jankovitsitz, homopertant: AugoChenrhencha Frim Macdomonia, Act, Mus. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1971, 12 (3): 42-50; Lewomir Jankovic, a description of the nova is a hell of Femiyaian conduction (homopticar: Auguzenrchrhenha) of Macedonia (Yugoslavia), “Voice”, Cats, Serbian Academy Science and Arts, Anchievement Natural Immatematics Science, Belgrade, 1978, 43-30; Matija Gogala, Tommy Traron and Vladimir T. Ravel, Fauna Singing Speech (AUCHENARHRHANE: I suckood) off MACODONIA – A Bioacouust Sudez, ACTOM Enthomology Slovenica, Lyubljanna, 2005, 13/2: 103-126. C. T. K. – M. Cr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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