
Entries -. Notes that recorded various persons at the beginning or at the end of the book, on separate empty sheets, on the margins of the leaves, on the inside of the covers, etc. Entries can be contemporary to the manuscript or later time. If they are written at the time of the event of the manuscript, they are most often written by the author of the literary work itself (if it comes to original literary work), from his translator or writing. Later records are mostly the work of handwritten books, their readers, buyers, donors, endors, and often they wrote them and separate visitors to our churches and monasteries, where handwritten and printed church books were kept. In the records there are important data on the history of the book, specific data for its author or writer, for the time when it occurred and in what historical conditions, where it is written and what is its provider, what was the further fate of manuscript, etc. In many cases, the names of significant historical figures are mentioned: Kings, Feudal rulers, Archbishops, Metropolitan and other churches, records can serve as an Austrian source for historiographical research. The numerous records describing various historical events, wars, social tremors, natural and social accidents, rare natural phenomena, etc. Unlike the basic text, the records were not dependent on the proposal, which is why the writer allowed language submitters, characteristic of his dialect speech, which can serve as source material for the “Western Balkans” studying the historical development of Macedonian speeches, as well as the Macedonian Language in general. The records differ from the basic text and after its letter. They are almost always written with a smaller letter of a semi-existent or cursive type. Usually, there is a cross, which follows the text of the entry, which most often begins with the words: “to know …”, “After the will of the Father and with the help of the Son …” or with some other similar formulation. The records in many cases end up with curses that are addressed to those who will dare to take the book from the respective church or monastery, whose ownership is. In the recordings, there are often data on the conditions in which our medieval bookers lived and worked. Thus, for example, it is learned that the writer of the “Bitola Trip”, grammar Georgi, worked in an unlocked room, and the briefcase Pop Dobrash is regretted about the bad parchment on which he writes, etc. The occurrence of modesty and self-defeatation by our medieval literary activities is also common. They apologize to readers about bad writing, the mistakes they allowed when writing, writing “Hand sinful and unclean”, man, whose homeland is the grave, and mother – the earth “, etc. Lit.: M. Drinov, entry by Ohridish Patriarch Prohor. “Period = Esco magazine”, ⅲ, 1882, 132-140; M. Spiranski, “Zrz for DNI” in Apprisk Asseman Gospel. “Macedonian Review”, ⅷ, 1, 1932, 41-53; D. Ilnjinski, record in Lesnovo Paperasise Ephrema Sirina 1353 “Magazine of Ban”, JLV, 1933, 67-73; Haralampee Polunish, records and inscriptions, “Macedonian language”, ⅵ, 1, 1955, 70-74; Ivona Berns, one record in the Dobray Gospel, “Macedonian language”, 1966, 143-148; Radmila Ugrikinova-Skalovska, records and Chronicles, Skopje, 1975; C. Despess, towards the entries in an apostle, “Word”, 24, 1974, 221-230; Gorgi Pop-Atanasov, several records and inscriptions from Macedonia, “Messenger of Ini”, 1978, 1-2, 217-223; Georgi Georgievski, a view of language innovations in the records and inscriptions, “literary word”, 1986, 3, 21-32; Gorgi Pop-Atanasov, old bills, Skopje, 1996. F. P. AT.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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