Djordjevic, Tihomir (Knikazvac, 19. 1868 – Belgrade, 28. ⅴ 1944) – Serbian Ethnologist and historian, university professor and academician, researcher and Macedonian folk art. It is considered the founder of ethnology as a science at the Belgrade University. He was a persistent field researcher and special attention was paid to international motives in folk art. He also studied the Roma and Albanian folklore. BIB.: Our folk life, kn. 1-10, Belgrade, 1930-1934; I was skillful, vampires, vampires, and another of Natoshnom Verovija and Prespa, Belgrade, 1953; Nature U Verova and Predine Nachagrad, Belgrade, 1958. Rado and Radu T. Giorgives, Arms LJ. and D. Jankovic, “Newsletter for Student Folklore”, 3, Sarajevo, 1955. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЃОРЃЕВИЌ, Тихомир