Djitsova, Emilia

Djitsova, Emilia (Veles, 30 and 1935) – ballerina and ballet critic. He finishes the ballet school in Skopje, in the class of F. Macedonian and N. KirSanova, along with the gymnasium. Exclusion at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. He is a member of the Mont of MNT (1949-1974). As a soloist stands out with its dancing and reliable ballet technique. Since 1979 is a ballet reviewer in the radio and print media. He is the author of two television series for ballet art. Ullog: Mary’s friend (B. Asafoyev, Bachhchisaraj Fountain, Muse (P. I. Tchaikovsky, Francesca de Rimini)), Columbine (L. Delib, Copelia), etc. T. P. Violeta Joleva

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЏИПУНОВА, Емилија

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