Dimov Document, Andrea

Dimov Document, Andreja (Veles, 1878 – p. Belica, Kichevo, 1907) – Dice and Duke of Tmo. He was educated in Thessaloniki and as a member of TMORO, the Komites in the Khey of Andon Janev-Koseto and Mikhail Popeo. Later, he himself became the Duke of Chief in Oral (1901-1902), then the Duke of Gornoduma and member of the Strumica Revolutionary Committee. He participated in the liquidation of the infamous bee from the village. Murulovo (Kukushko) and in the abduction of Miss Elena Stone. At the time of the Ilinden Uprising (1903) was a duke of the first squad in the Krushevo Revolutionary region of TMORO and participated in the capture of the urge, the postal telegraph station and Belovet (the municipality) in Krushevo (2/3. Ⅷ 1903). He died in a fight with the Ottoman army. Lit.: Dr. Manol Pandevski, Ilinden Uprising in Macedonia in 1903, Ini, Skopje, 1978; History of Krushevo and Krusevo, Book 1: From the city’s graduation to the division of Macedonia, Krusevo, 1978. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМОВ ДОКУРЧЕВ, Андреја

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