Dimitrovska Kalollah, Luba (Skopje, 25. ⅶ 1946) – Interpretter of popular songs. He started his career in Skopje, where he made a series of shots (1967-1971) with the Reven Orchestra of MRT, mainly arranged by Dragan Deaconovski-Spato. Since 1968 It resides in Zagreb, from where it builds its international career. He concludes exclusive agreements with the then Jugaton and radio Luxembourg. There are many appearances at European television stations (80, only on German television). He accomplishes golden circles on several discographic releases (“My mother” – 300,000; “Chao” – 470 thousand, etc.). Participant is also at the Makfest 1990 festival (with the song “bells ringing”). M. Cole.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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