Dimitrov, Evgenen, 1. ⅰ 1919) – Lawyer, University Professor and Academician. Primary school and gymnasium to ⅵ Class studied in Veles, and ⅶ and ⅷ class in Skopje, where he graduated. He studied two years at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, and then the studies continued in Sofia, where he graduated. Elected as a constitutional law teacher in the title of a lecturer at the Faculty of Law Faculty in Skopje (1951). He was elected for assistant (1954), later habilite (1962) and is elected as an extraordinary and regular professor at the Faculty of Law. In addition to teaching in constitutional law, conducted instruction after pre-Evgeni Dimitrov, the Social Political System of the FNRJ / SFRY. It becomes a correspondent MANU member (1974), and then a regular member (1981). He was Dean of the Faculty of Law in Skopje (1963/64 and 1964/1965) and the first president of the Association for Constitutional Law of Macedonia (1982). As a student, he showed an active activity in the ranks of the pre-war advanced student youth. He published about 150 scientific papers and participated in the work of about 40 scientific and professional gatherings in the country and abroad. BIB.: The position of the Macedonian people and the Socialist Republic of Macedonia in the Federal Socialist Community, Skopje, 1963; The state in the transition process in the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 1998. Lit: Proceedings in honor of Evgeni Dimitrov, Skopje, 1999. St. w.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМИТРОВ, Евгени