Dimitrov, Anton Filhtechtev

Dimitrov, Anton Filichtchev (village Ajvatovo, Thessaloniki, 1868 – Sofia, 13. 1933) – Doctor of law, one of the elementary MoR. He graduated from the Exarchask high school in Thessaloniki (1889), right in Constantinople and Liege in Belgium (1899- 1903). He was a teacher in Thessaloniki (1892-1897) and Bitola (1897-1899). Anton Dimitrov Zick and Geography. He was in the order of the first MoR heads; Member of the Central CC (1894-1896); Participant at the Minorian Congress of MoR (1896). He was a lawyer in Bitola and a judge in Constantinople. He participated in the creation of Bulgarian constitutional clubs. After the Balkan Wars, he emigrated to Bulgaria (1913). In Sofia he was active among Macedonian emigration in Bulgaria. He left written memories for the Macedonian liberation movement. Lit.: Boris Nikolov, Northern Macedonian Revolt • Cion Organization (Mains and Revainders 1893-1934), Sofia, 2001. V. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМИТРОВ, Антон Филахтечев

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