Dautovski, Dragan.

Dautovski, Dragan (village Rusinovo, Berovo, 21. Xi 1957) – People’s instruments and Austrian. It forms (1992) The Orchestra of People’s Instruments “Mile Kolarovski”, which developed a major concert activity. Later it is one of the group’s “Synthesis” group. At the end of the nineties of ⅹⅹ c. He formed the Quartet Dragan Dautovski, which held a number of concerts around the world (Netherlands, Russia, Italy, Portugal, Germany, etc.). There was an extensive authorial activity (among other things, has participated in music for the film “Before the Rain”), in which the cooperation with the ensemble “Tanec”, for which made music processing for several choreographies (“Jamala”, “Guardians”, etc. .). He writes music for plays (“Macedonian Story”, “Jonadab”, “scripture”, etc.). Professor is at the Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje. M. Cole.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДАУТОВСКИ, Драган

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