Cvetkoski, Branko (village Slatino, Ohrid, 21. ⅵ 1954) – poet, literary critic, essayist, translator, journalist, publisher. For many years, he conducted the cultural box of c. “New Macedonia”. He was editor-in-chief in the publishing house “Culture”, an editor of the literary magazine “Striving” by Prilep, director-owner of the publishing house “Makavea” in Skopje. BIB.: Cuke, poetry, 1981; High winds, poetry, 1985; Places and voice, criticism, 1989; Taking ash, poetry, 1990; Excited Macedonian dialogues, interviews, 1990; Delted salt, chosen poetry, 1991; Earrings of stars, poetry for children, 1991; Acts and Virtues, Critics and Essays, 1992; Prayer Way, poetry, 1993; Critical Statements, Critics and Essays, 1996; Higher than life, criticism and essays, 1997; Sinori, poetry, 1998; EC and echo, criticism and essays, 1999; Name, yield, property, poem, 2000; SKOB, poetry, 2002; Names and themes, criticism, 2003. Mr. T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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