Croatian Falcon – Zagreb – Sports organization. After the Ilinden uprising in Macedonia, an action for collecting financial assistance for the affected Macedonians and called the patriotic societies to join him (1904). In his organization, he was held a solemn congregation in Zagreb (5. ⅲ 1904), which grew into a mass manifestation of solidarity and support of the Macedonian people in the struggle for freedom and condemnation of the suffering of the Macedonian population. From the collected money of the Assembly itself, 2039 crowns and 88 filers of the charity company “Mercy” in Sofia was sent to Macedonian refugees. Help collected Socoleski companies in the interior and other organizations in Croatia. Lit: Mihailo Minovski, the activity of the organization “Croatian Falcon” for solidarity of the Croatian people with the struggle of the Macedonian people for national liberation at the time of the Ilinden Uprising, “Attachments for the history of physical culture of Macedonia”, Skopje, 1978, 79-90 . D. S.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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