Construction in the Republic of Macedonia Today – one of the most significant sectors in the economy, which deals with the production of buildings. Under a construction object, each separate, independent functional whole (underground, overground or hydrogen), whose purpose is predetermined and is permanently located on a particular territory. Building objects are divided into two basic groups: Building and civil engineering. The high-building includes residential and non-renowned buildings, while in low industry – but construction crafts, it has grown into a vital sector for the economy. It was noticed by the sector from 1960 to 1980, a period associated with the earthquake in Skopje (1963), the construction of the road network, the urbanization of the municipal centers and the rise of construction works abroad (especially in the former Soviet Union, Iraq, Libya and other countries). After 1980, primarily as a result of the fall of industrial production, the stagnation of construction in the capital Skopje, as well as the withdrawal of domestic construction companies from abroad (due to difficulties in collection), the total number of construction works began to register a tendency of reduction . In the last few years, the share of construction in the formation of the gross domestic product of the country, on average, is about 5.3%. The share of construction work in the total investments in the fixed assets of 67.7%, as it was 1990, decreased to 58.3%, 2004. In the same period, the number of workers decreased by 35% (from 47,636 in 1990. on 30,795, 2004). In the long run, the percentage participation of the employees in the construction industry in the total number of employees of 20.54%, as it was in 1955, decreased to 6.99%, 2005. The long-term dynamics, however, the housing construction (finished apartments), in the period 1955-1980. Shows a significant increase, which can not be said for the period 1980-2005. – c. Graph. 1873), managed by engineers from Germany and Austria. In 1945 In the Republic of Macedonia there were only 6 km of roads and 4 km of streets with a solid road, after which there was an intensive construction of roads, so that today the road network covers 9,670 km (highways 175 km, 655 km highways). The first works of the regulation of the Republic of Macedonia are significant in hydrotechnic. Vardar from the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c. And the construction of the first dam “St. Andreja “(1938). After the Second World War, large hydromelioration systems were performed, 140 dams were built. Significant is the construction of the thermalec-compralenters of coal REK Source: Statistical annuals of the Republic of Macedonia 1955-2006. “Bitola” and TC “Oslomej”, which provides mainly electrical facilities from the transport Inn in the past 31 years. In the last sixty gaukrastructure and other community type, the domestic garden industry is characterized by integration, as well as the objects of HID-Forms: Removing Casten Statusive Construction of Residential, Raduction. Construction in MEN, the production of construction social and industrial OBM has a great tradition. Following materials, receiving and projects, so that construction World War II, from the typic of non-metali, as well as any one of the most important hundreds of woodworking and metalworking industry, largely managed to meet the needs of the construction sector, although some products , such as concrete iron (reinforcement and steel seizures) are obtained mainly of import, and participate with a large percentage of the total product. It is a modest assortment of building materials, which affects the low competitive ability of the sector in the international market. Lit.: Nikola Uzunov, the economy of the Republic of Macedonia 1945-1990, MANU, Skopje, 2001, 333-340; State Statistical Office. Statistical annuals of the Republic of Macedonia, 1955-2006. D. E.
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