Constitution of NRM / SRM

Constitution of NRM / SRM – General acts with the strongest legal effect in the Macedonian state. The Constitution of the NRM was adopted in Skopje, 31. ⅹⅰⅰ 1946, by the Constitent Assembly of the NRM. There is a normative text of 129 members, allocated to three parts: basic principles; State arrangement and transitional and final provisions. It belongs to the group of popular democratic constitutions that are adopted after World War II in the countries that have been determined to build a system of People’s Democracy. The NRM is defined as a folk state with a republican form. National minorities in the NRM enjoyed the right and protection of its cultural development and the free use of its language. The main state bodies of NRM: National Assembly of NRM, as a one-time legislative representative body; Presidium of the People’s Assembly of NRM, as a collective head of state; Government of NRM, as an executive body; Supreme Court of NRM and Public Prosecutor’s Office, as judicial authorities. National boards are representative authorities on issues of local importance. The Constitution of the NRM contains a concept for transmitted (delegated) sovereignty of the FNRJ organs. Such a kind of sovereignty served as a legal basis for re-returning the sovereignty of the Macedonian state, when the Yugoslav Federation (1991) collapsed. The Constitution of the SRM was passed in Skopje on 12. ⅳ 1963. by the People’s Assembly of the NRM. It contains an introduction (basic principles) and a normative text of 242 members. It belongs to the group of socialist constitutions. The SRM is defined as the State Socialist Democratic Union of the People of Macedonia, based on the government of the working people and the self-management. Every nationality (national minority) $ is guaranteed that the law freely uses its language, expressing and developing its culture and establishing institutions and organizations that provide these rights. The main state bodies of the SRM: Assembly of the SRM, as the highest five-term authority of the government and body of social self-management; Executive Council; Constitutional Court of Macedonia; Supreme Court of Macedonia and Public Prosecutor’s Office. Social-political communities are the municipalities, surroundings and SRM. The Constitution of the SRM, as a second socialist constitution, adopted the Assembly of the SRM to 12. ⅳ 1974. It contains preamble, basic principles and normative text of 450 members. The preamble exposes the genesis of the Macedonian state and determines the objectives of the constitutional arrangement. The basic principles constitute the introductory part of the constitutional text, systematized in departments. They represent an ideal, theoretical and political basis for the construction of the constitutional order and the criterion for interpreting the normative text. The SRM is defined as a national state of the Macedonian people and the state of the Albanian and Turkish nationality in it, based on the sovereignty of the people and the government and self-management of the working class and working people. Albanian and Turkish nationality are determined as constituent entities of the Macedonian state, along with the Macedonian people. The main state bodies: the Assembly of the SRM as a three-storey body of the government and the socialist self-management, the presidency of the SRM, Executive Council, Constitutional Court of Macedonia, the Supreme Court of Macedonia, Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Social Attorney of the self-management. The only form of local self-government is the municipalities. Exhibition: Constitution of NRM since 1946., Skopje, 1946; Constitution of the SRM since 1963. Skopje, 1963; Constitution of the SRM since 1974, Skopje, 1974. Litus: Svetomir Shkaric, constitutional right of SFRY, second book, Skopje, 1987. St. w. “Nova Makedonija” for the proclamation of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (1991) Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia since 1991 – the highest legal act, adopted by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia to 17. 1991, on the proposal of the President of the Republic of Kiro Gligorov, with 92 votes of 120 Selected MPs. The decision on proclaiming the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia was made with 96 votes of the total number of elected MPs in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia did not receive the support of 22 MPs from among Albanian political parties (PDP and NDP). It contains preamble and normative text of 134 members. In the preamble, the Republic of Macedonia is determined as a national state of the Macedonian people, which provides full civic equality and the permanent co-operation of the Macedonian people with Albanians, Turks, Vlachs, Roma and other nationalities living in the Republic of Macedonia. In the normative text, the Republic of Macedonia is defined as a sovereign, independent, democratic and social state. In the Republic of Macedonia, sovereignty stems from the citizens and belongs to the citizens. The Republic of Macedonia takes care of the position and rights of the members of the Macedonian people in neighboring countries and for expatriates from the country, it helps their cultural development and promotes relationships with them. Members of nationalities have the right to freely express, nourish and develop identity and national peculiarities. Main state bodies: Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia; President of the Republic; Government of the Republic of Macedonia; Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia; Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia; Republic Judicial Council; Public Prosecutor’s Office and Ombudsman. The only forms of local self-government in the Republic of Macedonia are the municipalities. The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia is supplemented with 30 amendments in the period from 6 and 1992 to 7. ⅹⅰⅰ 2005 IT: Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 1991. Litus: Svetomir Shkaric, Constitutional Law, Skopje, 2006. St. w. Constitution of TMORO (1896)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис УСТАВ НА НРМ/СРМ

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