Constantine Bregalnica (Preslavia)

Konstantin Bregalnica (IX-ⅹ c.) – Student of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, the second Slavic bishop (after St. Kliment Ohridski). He wrote more church works, among which the most famous is the “instructive gospel”. A key ethical-philosophical notion in this text is mercy as the basis of the Christian religion. Among people will develop true ethical relations if they know what is mercy, and the motive of their moral action should be good. Lords on the path of moral improvement should be faith, love and gratitude expressed towards God, which is the Creator of Man. C. Mr.-P. St. Kiril Philosopher, icon from Dicho Zograf (ⅹⅰⅹ c.)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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