Circling mineral substances in ecosystems

Circulation of mineral substances in ecosystems – Chemical elements that build mercury, circulate in the biosphere and ecosystems in characteristic roads from the external environment. It is actually the movement of chemical elements and inorganic compounds, necessary for living organisms and is called the circulation of mineral substances. The biogenic elements needed in larger quantities are oz-imposed as macroelements (C, O, X, N, Within each cycle, two parts are distinguished: a reserve fund, which is a larger mass of collapse substances, which is basically not tied to organisms and are an active stock fund, lower per mass, but far more active and features fast turnover between organisms and their surroundings. The quantities that return to the Government Board Ecosystem (Casyamonto Grandiflorae Fagetum) of Mavrovo amount to 219.81 kg / ha, and the reserves in the forest prostaired 1117.8 kg / ha. In the oak flat-covenous ecosystem (Ljuertum Franeto-Cerrris Macedonacum Obold, 1948 Em, X-AT 1959) in Galicica National Park, in the trees of the trees 145.1 kg / ha, in the coffin of the bushes 3,97 kg / ha, and In the floor of the grassland, 11.8 kg / ha, which amounts to a total of 160.87 kg / ha, in the seizure of the overhead organs. In the underground bodies, the mineral substances amount to 33.50 kg / ha, or a total of 194.38 kg / ha. L. Gr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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