Chukukukov-Sebura, Kiro

Chuchukukukukov-Sebura, Kiro (Veles, 25. 1919 – Rezani, Velesko, 6. and 1943) – Youth party activist before the war, the organizer of the NOD in Veleski, Prime Minister. Immediately after the occupation he collected weapons, disturbed party propaganda materials and carried out courier work in the city and the surrounding area. One of the first fighters of the Veles NOO “Dimitar Vlahov” (from May 1942) and participant in all combat clutters with the Bulgarian police. From September 1942 he performed the courier duty. After returning from the Kumanovo on the Veles terrain, in early 1943. He was discovered by the Bulgarian police and liquidated. Lit.: Veles and Veles in New 1941-1945. Memorial Book, T. Veles, 1985; Veles Partisan Squad in 1942, Veles, 1999 F. Malc.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧУЧУКОВ-СЕБУРА, Киро

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