Chopela, Ordan Stavrev

Chopela, Ordan Stavrev (Posses. Kulak) (Varos, Prilep, January Ordan Choopela 1912 – Bitola, 9. 1942) – Participant and organizer in the workers’ and liberation movement. He participated in the strikes of tobacco workers (1940), when he was received for a member of the KP in Macedonia. Haunted, absent and imprisoned by civilian and military police. After the fascist occupation of Macedonia, he became a member of the MK and the Military Commission. Participant in the partisan attack of Prilep on October 11, 1941. In December he was sent to party work in Bitola. He died in a fight with the Bulgarian police. People’s Hero. Lit.: People’s Heroes of Macedonia, Skopje, 1973. O. Iv. Chopi, Aleksandar Dimitrov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧОПЕЛА, Ордан Ставрев

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