Chaparoski, Ljubomir Trajkov (village Galichnik, 8. 1938 – Skopje, 10. ⅷ 1999) – Spec. Internist rheumatologist, regular prof. of honey. f. in Skopje (from 1989). Honey. f. And the specialization ended in Skopje, and received his Ph.D. in 1976. From 1974-1980 he was head of the Rheumatological Center (Internal Clinic), from 1980 to 1998 director of the Rheumatological Clinic and Dean of Honey. f. (1994-1996). He was a member of the European and World League against Rheumatism. He is winner of several recognitions in the SFRY and RM, as well as the French Order “Palme Acedemije” (1994) and the Italian “Timadatorje R. Ialitalia “(1995). Honorary Professor is at the University of Cape Town. He published over 300 papers in the country and abroad. BIB.: Clinical Rheumatology, Skopje, 1994. Fig. M. P.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧАПАРОСКИ, Љубомир Трајков