Polenak, hinge (Gostivar, 1911 – Skopje, 1990) – Lawyer, lawyer. Before the Second World War he graduated from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, and at the time of the war he passed the lawyer-hinge pollen and the court exam in Sofia. He was a member of the City of NOO of Skopje (1944), formed before his release. After the liberation, a lawyer under no. 1 of the Bar Association of NRM. He was a passionate of the sport and one of the founders of volleyball, gymnastics, boxing, water polo and other sports in Skopje. Organized and compose numerous blind exercises. He was an activist of the sports company “Vardar” -Skopje, secretary of the Fediscept Union of NRM and President of the Volleyball Union of SRM (1964-1973). It is affirmed as one of the most awareness lawyers in FNRJ / SFRY. S. Ml. Biljana Polenakovic
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПОЛЕНАК, Панта