Chamo, Edhem

Chamo, EDHEM (Trebinje, 30. ⅹⅰⅰ 1909 – Sarajevo 25. ⅺ 1996) – Veterinarian, Regular Prof. of V. f. In Sarajevo (from 1950), academician. He graduated from V. f. In Zagreb (1938), where he acquired with the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (1948). Participant is in the 1941 NOB. After the war, a series of social and political functions are performed after the war. Was the first dean of V. f. In Sarajevo (re-elected four times in succession), and twice he was Rector at the University of Sarajevo. He is the author of about 60 papers in the area of ​​zohagene, published in our country and abroad and a textbook after zohagienic. The labor processes the problem of the X-ray display of the parts of domestic animals, the impact of light on the milk of the cows, the impact of the microclimate conditions on the increase in chicks, the significance of zohagoheal factors in animal husbandry, hygienic water quality in the mountain and lowland areas. For a regular member of Anu-BiH, he was elected in 1966, and he was also president of the Academy (1971-1977). He was elected as a correspondent member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts and a member of MANA outside the working composition (26. 1974). AM: Newsletter of the third regular election assembly of MANU, Skopje, December 1974, 19-21. M. Paul.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЧАМО, Едхем

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