Castel Specula.

Castel Specula -. Type late antifiable fortifications in the dominant mountain peaks, with excellent visual communication with distant points along the more significant road communications towards the larger late antique cities. Protected with solid mortar walls, usually without towers. They served for receiving and transmitting alarm signals for impending danger. Examples in Macedonia: Kale, p. Barovo on Vodno (for Scupi) and Klepa, in the central Vardarje (for Stobi and Eurist). Lit.: I. Ikucricic, Staro Skopje with the surrounding fortresses, Skopje, 1982, 71-72; C. Lilcic, late antique communications and fortresses in the region of the secondary Valley, “Macedonian Heritage”, 7, Skopje, 1998, 13-15, 32-34. C. L. Adem Kastrati, “Sofra”

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КАСТЕЛ СПЕКУЛА

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