Butterphy (Lepidopter) – Insects with two pairs of approximately the same wings, covered with petty peels as powder, after which they received the name (luse, Lepidos gr. = Decoction, pteon = wing). The oral apparatus in adults butterflies is represented by a spirally bounced long-marrow. The head is clearly separated from the trunk and is supplied with antennas (tentacles). The development is with full metamorphosis. The order butterflies covers a number of species. In the world, more than 100,000 species are known, different in color, pattern and size. Inhabit exclusively ground environments. They are sorted in a large number of families Daily and night butterflies, among which there are those known as large pests. In Macedonia, Poeer fauna is represented by 2,299 taxa, of which 90 are endemic. This is one of the best studies of insects, which distinguishes daily butterflies (Hespectio and papillions), coats (Natsida), delegators and skills – sambanks (Bombergoida), landmakers (geometrodes) and butterflys (microlepidopter). Lit.: Joseph Thurner, Diet Lepidopperfood Yugosljesh Mazedonneens. I. Runderults Acta. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1964; Franz Daniel, Diet Lepidopter Fauna Yugoslianosch Mazderons. Ⅱ Bombeces ET SPhnges, a special edition. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1964; Josef Clemeszch, Die Lepidopter Fauna Mazderons. Ⅳ. Microlepidopter, special edition. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1968; Rudolph Pinker, Diet Lepidopter Fauna Mazedonna. Ⅲ. Geometrodes, special edition. Acta. Mousse. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1968; Pau Vladimir Rowz, Branislava Mihailova, gownapter Zleopra (Linnéeus 1767), Aneneva Species off Tekhler Fauna Inn Macendonia (Lepidoptera: Pierida), Actomalica Slavica Slavica, Lyubljanna, 1997, 5 (2) 113-116; Group Av-Tori, TSUNS Stade Fort Biodaversitis off the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHAL REPORT). Ministry of Environment and PCSpining, Skopje, 2003. V. T. K. – M. Cr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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