Burilchevo – an eenolithic settlement placed on the right side of the road Stip – Kocani (14 km from Kocani), on the hill built, not far from the village. Burilchevo (2 km to the east). It is placed on the wasted plateau on the hill, about 80 m above the river Bregalnica. An Eneolithic two-layer settlement on which traces of the Hellenic period are located. Found rooms built from a plate and mud (long to 8 m, and wide to 6 m). As interior space solutions, the then inhabitants used parappet walls for sustaining for certain functions. In every dwelling there were a fireplace and an oven, and outside of them, semi-lodges used as a working prosper for preparing food (transporter meat, processing of shells, cabin and stone tools, etc.). Sadova Ceramics with conical and baconus forms is decorated with graphite painting on a dark smoothed surface. Bone, stone, flags and clay tools, which are minuver processed. The large number of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines indicate their rich spiritual life. Chronological This locality fits into a wide cultural complex Bubilk – Salutza – Krivodol. Lit.: I. Chancellor Nasteva, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines from Lok.pilevo, p. Burilchevo, “Macedonia Acta Arzhaeologica”, 15, Skopje, 1999, 25-32; I. Kolisrkoska Nasteva – S. Carpuzova, graphically decorated ceramics from Locke. Pilavo, p. Burilchevo, Kocani, “Archeology”, ⅱ, Skopje, 2005, 57th Ir. K.- Burmali Mosque in Skopje
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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