Burchevski-Bouridan, Stojan Jordanov

Burchevski-Bouridan, Stojan Jordanov (Mine, Veles, 29th ⅳ 1920 – Mes. Rezani, Veles, 6. 1943) – Organizer and participant in the armed uprising of 1941. He was a fighter, and then the Commander of the Partizan Squad “Dimitar Vlahov” (1942). By the Bulgarian Military PreC, in Skopje, in December 1942. In absentia he was sentenced to death. He dies singing the song of the squad, along with a group of partisans in conflict with the Bulgarian army and the police. Lit.: Veles and Veles in New 1941-1945, memorial book, T. Veles, 1985; Veles Partisan Squad 1942, Skopje, 1999 F. Malc. Nada ButtonSto.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БУРЧЕВСКИ-БУРИДАН, Стојан Јорданов

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