
Brigi – IndoErropic population, which in ⅱ and ⅰ millenium by PME. It inhabits the Balkan area, from PL. Pangai (east of R. axios) to the central, southeast and south of today’s Albanian space, Epirus, the Ohrid region and Pelagonia. They are contained in the ethnogenesis of ancient Macedonians and the Paionians. Brigates consider them the oldest people in the world (Her-DOT), for inventors of skills (metal processing, cash, invention of the wheel, Music of Marcias). Migrate to Asia Minor (meet under the name of Frigiga), before and after the Trojan war. In the Balkans, as a great population, disappear in the start. On the Iron Age ⅱ, but their language and onomastics, as well as the elements of material culture, remain in the culture of ancient Macedonians. Lit.: Homer, Iliad. Transparency M. D. Petrusevski, Skopje, 1982; E. Petrova, Brigiga, Skopje, 1996. A. Shook.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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