Bosanac, Tomo

Bosanac, Tomo (old plains, RH, 15. ⅴ 1918 – 12. ⅷ 2003) – El. Ing., PhD of technical sciences, order. Prof. The ETF in Zagreb, Croatia. He is a member of Jazu (Huzu) and a member of MANU outside the working composition (1994). Working at the factory “Rade Koncar” (where a period was also a director) realized a number of complex projects, including HC generators “Vrutok”, RM. The FNRJ government received the “Nikola Tesla” award (1949). He was director of the Roller Boskovic Institute in Zagreb. Worked on frequent inverters and their application mainly for thermal purposes. Books: “Nuclear propulsion” (with Bubaan and Stubilk), “Electromagnetic fields”, etc. Lit.: “Newsletter on the Eleventh Election Assembly”. Special edition – abstracts and articles, MANU, Skopje, March 1994. Dr. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОСАНАЦ, Томо

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