Bogomil, Pop.

Bogomil, Pop (ⅹ century) – the founder of the dualistic (heretical) spiritual movement and learning called according to his name Bogomy, and the supporters called Bogomili. In time defeated spiritual and philosophical ideology and social movement, with all sources for him and his literary works were destroyed. For his life and activity, he is indicated indirectly from the preserved antibogomic literary monuments: “The sound against the Bogomils” on the Kozma Presbyter, “Boril’s Synodic”, “Indexes” of the forbidden antiquanic books, etc. As his followers and protagonists of Bogomilism are recorded: Pop Jeremiah, Todor, Good, Stephen, Vasily, Peter, Sidor Frayazin, etc. Lit.: M. Angelovska-Panova, Bogomilism in the spiritual culture of Macedonia, Skopje, 2004; I. Klincharov, Pop Bogomil and his time, Sophie /, 1927 (2 Red. Sophie / 1947). I. Well. Panorama of the village. Bogomila with the mountain

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БОГОМИЛ, поп

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