Gorgi (Old Pazova, Serbia 28. X 1908 – Skopje, 1970) – Jew, sentist, communist, participant in the NOB. He settled in Skopje (1932) and was one of the leaders syndicalist, later appointed for the Secretary of the CPY for Nerodim’s district (1939). Arrested in Prizren (1940). He returned to Skopje (1941), where he organized a health service for the treatment of wounded illegals. He was discovered and imprisoned in Idrizovo (1942). He organized the escape from the prison of 350 political prisoners (1944). Four days after the escape organized the hospital at 42. Brigade, which was the hospital of the Supreme Headquarters. He participated in the liberation of Skopje. He was then chairman of the Jewish municipality in Skopje. The holder of the Partisan Monument 1941. Lit.: Zena Leel, Tide and Slim of Historje Yemea Vardarzke Macedonia, Gorenja Milanovac, 1990. J. NAM.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЛАЕР, Ѓорѓи