
Billaires – Participants in carrying out the ritual of the herbs. The ritual is associated with the spring holidays, but most with Georgovden. Herbs (Kukurek, hazel, dren, geranium, door, Sil, etc.) are white against the feast or morning before the sunrise on the day itself. It is believed that they possess magical power and that man, animals, but also objects can protect them from illnesses, fires, thunder and other accidents. For this purpose, the goods are bodies and the objects are compressed. Lit.: Marko Kitevski, Golden Cup, Skopje, 1983; Naum Celakoski, Debarca, rituals and ritual games, Skopje, 1984; Kiril Penakliski, selected folklore papers, 2, Skopje, 1988; Marko Kitevski, Macedonian People’s Lirika, (ritual songs), Skopje, 1997. M. Keith.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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