Balkan Le Balkan. (Sofia, 5. ⅳ – 4. ⅴ 1903) – Unofficial body of MNND in S.-Petersburg. Order. A. S. Vasilev. An editor-publisher is the former owner of the Macedonian club body in Belgrade “Balkan Messenger” (1902) and member-founder of Stefan Jakimov Doddov (hillsky). It is printed in Bulgarian (with units and Russian). Publish and prose texts in Macedonian language (E. Opportant). Published (in continuations) a shortened version of MND Memorandum to the Russian government. The newspaper has a basic public platform: “Macedonia’s autonomy for Macedonians and independence in the Balkans for the Balkans”. It turns out twice a week and stops in no. 12. Continue in the next year as a new publication under the name “Courier”. Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, Macedonia Chronicle. Gains of literary and national topics, and Skopje, 1993, 250 -279. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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