Baljova-faith, Evdocia Foteva

Baljova-faith, Evdocia Foteva (village D’mben, Kostur, Aegean part of Macedonia, 2. ⅷ 1926) – a member of the Macedonian and Greek communist movement. In World War II (1941-1945) actively participated in the anti-fascist resistance “Balkan Society”, a MNIA organ in America Bansko, the only ancient Balnium in the Republic of Evdokia Foteva Baljova-Faith in Greece. DRIP of SNOF, Secretary of the Women’s Organization in the Kostur region, NOF secretary in the NOF district – Kares, Secretary of AFZ for Lerin District. After November 1946 Secretary of AFZ for Aegean part of Macedonia. Participant in the civil war in Greece (1946 -1949). After the defeat of the Greek Republican forces (DAG), it was accused of the CPG for an “agent of the international reaction” and conducted in Soviet prisons and camps (Lubjanka, Liformovo and Burtica). After release from the Logo-Roth (1956) he returned to the NRM. BIB.: To Hell and Back, Skopje, 2004. st. KIS. Bamia

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЉОВА-ВЕРА, Евдокија Фотева

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