Average – ancient and medieval determination of the entrance of the R. Vardar in the Demir Kapija gorge. The main establishment was in Yuruk Kamen, the locality of Markov City, on the right bank of the Chille River. The fortifications had the surrounding rocky lands besides R. Vardar and Holder River. He was the seat of the independent of Goodomir Hrts (end of ⅹⅰⅰ c.) And Brow (1207-1214). Lit.: T. Tomoski, medieval cities in Macedonia between the rivers Vardar, Bregalnica and Lakavica. Macedonia over the centuries, Skopje, 1999. K. Ag. Map of the National Park “Mavrovo” spatial plans of national parks
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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