Atanasov, Peter (village Uma, Gevgelija, 25. ⅻ 1939) – Linguerist, university professor. Primary and secondary education ended in Gevgelija. He completed his studies in Skopje at the Romanian Philology Group at the Faculty of Philosophy. Master in 1975 In Belgrade, and PhD in 1979. In Skopje on the topic “The Magilomanian today. Phonetics and phonology. ” The Department of Romanian Languages and Literature taught the subjects: Romanian language, phonetics and phonology in the French language, history of the French language, comparative grammar of Romanian languages, history of the Italian language, and also Balkan linguistics for postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philon in the Faculty of Faculty in Skopje. He was the head of the Department of Romanian Languages and Literature in two terms, chairman of the Council of the Faculty of Philology, as well as a member of the University Senate. He has won the Order academic palm trees from the Government of France (1995). He published 13 dictionaries and monographs. M. Mark.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АТАНАСОВ, Петар