Atanasov, angel

Atanasov, angel (village Krusevo, Sisco, 1879 – Krzali, Bulgaria, 1952) – Teacher and revolutionary. Graduated from a pedagogical school in Sir (1900) and taught in Dumourjina. As a director of the Service School (1902), he became a member of the Russian OK of TMORO. Over the course of 21903 He was imprisoned and sentenced to three years in prison. After the amnesty (1904) again entered the ranks of TMORO. He participated as a delegate of the Russian District Congress (1905). Lit.: V. “New life”, Klkjides, 1983, no. 55, 4. Al. TR. Vasil Atanasov.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АТАНАСОВ, Ангел

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