Assembly of the FNRJ / SFRY – the highest body of state power in the second Yugoslavia. Following the adoption of the FNRJ Constitution, the Constitent Assembly turned into a FNRJ People’s Assembly, retaining the same structure (the Federal Council and the Council of Peoples). The FNRJ’s assembly is defined as the supreme body of state power and representative of the FNRJ sovereignty. The Federal Council is elected by all citizens of FNRJ with voting right, with quota – 50,000 citizens for one MP. In the Council of the Peoples, the citizens of each of the Republic were elected 30, Vojvodina 20, and Kosovo and Metohija 15 MPs. Federal Constitutional Law of 1953 Introduces a new structure of the FNRJ’s National Assembly. The Assembly of the Nations is abolished as a separate home, and the provision of producers was introduced in its place, as the representative body of producers employed in production, transport and trade. The Federal Council remained to function, but in its composition, MPs delegated from the Republican and Provincial Assemblies were included. The Constitution of the SFRY since 1963. The Assembly of the SFRY is determined as the highest body of power and body of social self-management, within the framework of the rights and duties of the Federation. The Assembly of the SFRY constituted the Federal Council, as a Council of Delegates of the Citizens in the municipalities and republics, and the Commercial Council, the Educational Council, the Social and Health Council and the Organization Council, such as shooting delegates of working people in the working communities. The Constitution of the SFRY since 1974. The Assembly of the SFRY defines it as a body of social self-management and the highest body of power in the rims of the rights and duties of the Federation. The structure of the Assembly of the SFRY was built on a self-governing and a delegate system, with equal representation of the republics and the building of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia building of the Assembly of the FNRJ / SFRY departure of the autonomous provinces. Instead of five, only two courts were introduced: the Federal Council and the Council of the republics and provinces. The Federal Council consisted of delegates of self-governing organizations and communities and socio-political organizations in the republics and provinces, and the council of the republics and provinces was composed of the delegations of the parliamentary of the republics and the autonomous provinces. The Federal Council of each republic was elected 30, and from the autonomous provinces of 20 delegates. In the Council of the republics and provinces, the delegation of the Assembly of each republic counted 12, and the delegation of the provincial assembly after eight delegates. Exhibition: Constitution of FNRJ since 1946, Skopje, 1946; Constitution of the SFRY since 1963, Skopje, 1963; Constitution of the SFRY since 1974, Skopje, 1974. Litus: Svetomir Shkaric, constitutional right of the SFRY, the first and second book, Skopje, 1986, 1987. St. w. Reconstruction of Sabbi, according to the drawing of I. Miculcic
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet