Ashkenazi – Jews from Northern European countries, whose speech-speaking language is a combination of several languages with Hebrew Scriptures. Smaller groups Ashkenazi settled on the Balkan Peninsula at the time of the Crusades. Their migration has intensified under pressure from the Catholic Church in the second half of ⅹⅳ c. Major Ashkenian municipalities were also established in Macedonia – in Thessaloniki (Bedinian) and in Serez. J. NAM. Anton Ashkalk Ashkalk, Anton (1856 – 1912) – a prominent Slovenian poet. In his rich literary work covers motives and the fight of South Slav peoples. He published papers in the field of poetry, drama, pathopis. Translated is in Macedonian from Bistrica Mirkulovska and Gane Todorovski. In January 1904 He published the song “Macedonian rebellion” in the SP. “Lyubljan Zvon”. Enough of Ilinden Uprising The poet describes a detail of the Macedonian epic. He is also known for the song “Nadezhda Gareva – Macedonian drama”. D. T.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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