Antonov, Ivan.

Antonov, Ivan (village Huma, Gevgelija, 1. ⅴ 1924 – Skopje, 14/15. Ⅻ 1983) – The most prominent representative of the Macedonian radio and television speaking. After the liberation was the first teacher and head of analphabetical courses in Negorci, Gevgelija. Radio Skopje was 1947, and since 1963 he became a speaker on television Skopje. He was Head of the Department for realization and production of the program with Speakers and announcers and vice president of the Association of Jewlavia. With an indided talent for a complaint, he remained the most recognizable TV face, without which they could not imagine the announcement of any significant or exceptional news from us or the world. J. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНТОНОВ, Иван

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