Antigon ⅲ Dawson (229-221 BCE) – Third Macedonian ruler from the antigonide dynasty, excellent military strategist and diplomat. In the beginning ruled as the regent of the eight-year-old son of Antigon persecuted, Philip V. He was proclaimed for a legitimate king after being married with Philip’s mother and stronger the young king. It strengthens the borders of Macedonia, re-establishes Macedonian power in Thessaly and renews its domination in the Balkans. In the military campaign of Peloponnese conquers Corinth, Argos, etc. Cities and fortresses in Arcadia and Eytolia, which establishes reinstitution of Macedonia over Hellenic policies. After the victory over the Illyrians in Upper Macedonia, he died from tuberculosis. Lit.: Redbius, pla Historia, 6 Wells., Harvard Universitis Press, 1960; B. Halls, Gonno, Amsterdam, 1973; History of the Macedonian people, 1, Skopje, 2000. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНТИГОН Ⅲ Досон