Antic, Milorad

Antic, Milorad (village Dolni Naradovac, Vrneseski, 1. ⅷ 1926 – Skopje, 31. 1997) – Doctor Primarius, UNIV. Professor at the Medical Faculty in Skopje. Primary education ended in Skopje, secondary education in Kyprija and Vranje, and the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade (1953). The last years of the studies worked as a demonstrator of the faculty. He specialized in gynecology and obstetrics at the Medical Faculty in Skopje (1957) and as the head of the gynecological-obstetric department in Ohrid (1959) he was elected assistant at the gynecological-obstetric clinic at the Medical Faculty in Skopje (1959). Habilitated on the topic “The issue of non-green changes and FA-Milorad Antic Cervical Precancence of the Cervix – Diagnostics and Procedure” (1971). In addition to gynecology and obstetrics, his preoccupation was Perinatology. It specifically devoted to the early diagnosis of the Cervix cancer. He was a one-year stay and specialization at the University Center of the Karoline Hospital and the radio HEH Matt Institute in Stockholm. As the head of the Department of Obstetrics, he participated in the education of the trainees of his scientific field. He participated in a number of scientific gatherings and published about 80 scientific papers and articles. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНТИЌ, Милорад

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