Aminta ⅰ (540-498 BCE) – Macedonian king from the Argian dynasty, son of alkade. In the beginning, Pieria and Botiaia, conquers the area besides the Delta of the Axios and West Migdonia (the Anatamunt area) to the northern border of the state, PL. Disros. There are good political and trade ties with the pizzy from Athens. After the campaign of Darius against Scycia, Macedonia is forced to recognize the Persian government; The Persian military leader Megabaz sends seven Persian Members of Parliament to seek “earth and water” for Darius (SP. Herodotus); At the fuck son of Amyn, Alexander, kills the Persians because they also demanded women, which was contrary to Macedonian customs. Lit.: Heroopus: Ib, 4 Wells., Loeb Closiskal Library, Harvard Universitis Press, 1961; Her-dot, history. Prev. D. Chadikova, Skopje, 1998. A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АМИНТА Ⅰ