Allochthonous-exotic types of trees and shrubs

Allochthonous-exotic types of trees and shrubs -. (cramp. Eccotikos – Strean, external) – Trees transmitted from other parts of the world (continents) to breed and be used outside of its natural areal. Unlike autochthons (domestic) species, the exotes in the new homeland do not grow a solar-adapted tree in Macedonia (Abies Conzolor Lindle.) NATO. Introduction of exotes in Macedonia, systematic and scientific basis, started after the Second World War, when wood species for economic and horticultural purposes were entered. Over the past sixty years, some of the types of economic purpose have been properly adapted and show outstanding results in terms of the production of wood mass and are imposed as very important for the forestry operations. Among the more important are: Abies Conzolor Lindle., Abies Grandis Lindel., Abies Nordmannian Sputzh., Consolocus Diceuarrens Torr., Cure Atlantica Man., Cure Deodara Laus., Cure, Cure Lebani Lilj., Thamamachess Ljosonian Pearl., Tsupresissian Arizonica L., Frasini Amija L., Gaintgo Biloba L., Yuguz Nagrah L., Larige Dzidoa DC., Piceau Pincence Engelm., Pinus Brookie Tan., Pinus Egceles Vall., Pinus Maritim Milt., Pinus Monticolla Dowle., Pi- NUS Straw L., Pseudosga Menzoisi, Robinia Pseudacia L., oweujiadron giantium Endle., SOPORA JAPER L., Luerskus AGZLOP L., Ljumusus Ruba L., Ulmus Pumila L. Lit.: Aleksandar Andonoski, Introduction of commercial forest trees in Macedonia, in: Proceedings of the Council for Head Management Council. Al. And. Alpine vegetation in the Republic of Macedonia

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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