Albanian, Atanas Jakimov

Albanian, Atanas Jakimov (village Gorno Selilci, Gostivar, 1880 – Sofia, 30. ⅹ 1943) – Tetovo Duke, member of the Skopje District Revolutionary Committee. He finished the pedagogical school in Skopje, Teached Tetovo. In the Ilinden Uprising he participated as a duke of Chetovo and Gostivar. He was Secretary of the Duke Vanco Srbakov (1904) and the Duke Ivan Naumov-Alabak (1907). From 1928 to 1934 He was a proxy of the VMRO in Petrich. Lit.: Mr. Popristov, the revolóchion struggle to Bitola, Sophie®, 1953; H. Sil®®, the Winning fighting for Macedonia, ⅰ¶, 62, Sophie®, 1983. Al. TR.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЛБАНСКИ, Атанас Јакимов

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