Ajalarski, Vasil Stoyanov

Ajalarski, Vasil Stoyanov (village. As a trained committee (from spring 1903), he took part in the Ilinden Uprising. Later, Skopje Duke and participated in several struggles with the Ottoman army in Skopje and Kumanovo (1905). After the Young Turk Revolution (1908), it was legalized in Skopje, supporting the Sandans and federalists and was especially popular in the midst of Skopje citizenship. He was killed on the domestic port of ambush authorities. His funeral turned into a large democratic demonstration, and the killer stalemate was hanged in the Stone Bridge. Lit.: Z. Petrov, under “V” – Dujnics Macedonian. Who and what is “hiding” behind the names of the Skopje streets? (IV), “Nova Makedonija”, Julvi, 15580, Skopje, 10. ⅵ 1990, 5. S. Ml. Ilija Adzievski, Remembrance (1996)

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЏАЛАРСКИ, Васил Стојанов

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