
Agriani (grai) – Paione tribe, which inhabits territories in the upper course of the Strimon River (according to Thucidide). Her-Dot mentions between the tribes who did not subdue the Persian military leader Megabaz (B c. BC). At the time of Philip ⅱ were Macedonian allies. Their ruler Langar with the best soldiers joined Alexander the Macedonian against the Illyrian tribe of the Irtarians. In Aleksandr’s campaign, he participated under the commandment of Atal. As mercenary, they are mentioned in the armies of the diagos (end of ⅲ c. HE). Last mentioned in 169 years. AD As soldiers fighting for the city of Casandrea. Lit.: Tzucidides, ⅱ, 96, Harvard University Press, 1958; Heroosus, C, 16.1, Loeb Chloszikal Library, Harvard Universitis Press, 1961; E. Petrova, Paionia, Skopje, 1999. A. Shook.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АГРИЈАНИ

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