Abduramanov, Dino Kljusev

Abduramanov, Dino Kljusev (Dine Dirmanchev) (village, Lerin, second half of ⅹⅰⅹ c. As a member of TMORO from 1896, he was in equalism, and since 1901. The Commission in the Duke of Duke Marko Lerinski (G. I. Georgiev). When staying at his home, he was surrounded by the Ottoman army and a bashibosk. In a hopeless position, he first killed his loved ones, and then suicidal with Saber had pushed towards targeted rifles and bayonets. Open is in several folk songs. Lit.: Macedonian autosites and revolutionaries, album, Skopje, 1950, 73; Trpko Bietkski, Macedonian folk songs from Vodina, Skopje, 1989, 186; Marko Kitevski, Macedonian combat folk songs. Anthology on the occasion of 60 years of ASNOM, Skopje, 2004, 197-198 and 315. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АБДУРАМАНОВ, Дино Кљусев

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