
Abdurahman-Pasha (second half of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c. – Constantinople, 1843) – Ottoman feudal of Albanian origin operated by Tetovo Pasalak. He was the son of Recep Pasha Tetovski and Miljana of Gnilane. Together with the brothers, he also ruled with the wider obstement of Prizren to Stip. For personal protection, the fortress of the hill Balper above Tetovo (1843). Because of the participation in the Albanian rebel movement, he was called for responsibility in the capital and executed together with the two brothers. Lit.: Mr. Toscow, Tetovo Pasha, “Cunnary of People’s Employment, Science and Lictive”, XI, Sophage, 1894; Aleksandar Matkovski, Resistance in Macedonia at the time of Turkish governance, Tom ⅳ. Bunny and uprisings, “thought,” Skopje, 1983. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АБДУРАХМАН-ПАшА

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